To be the Compass of Logistic Innovation
We aim to transform the Global Logistics Industry
where no innovation has been done in the past 50 years.
We strive to accelerate digitalization in the Global Logistics Industry
to make logistics around the world easier to access and more transparent.
where no innovation has been done in the past 50 years.
We strive to accelerate digitalization in the Global Logistics Industry
to make logistics around the world easier to access and more transparent.
About Us
NameShippio, Inc. -
Head office(Tokyo)
15F Hamamatsucho Bldg. 1-1-1, Shibaura, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-0023 Japan
Google MapOsaka Branch
Namba SkyO 27F WeWork , 5-1-60, Namba, Chuo-ku,
Osaka 542-0076 Japan
Google Map -
RepresentiveCo-Founder & CEO Takanori Sato
FoundedJune 2016
Capital Stock1.4 billion yen (including capital reserve)
Group company
第一種 貨物利用運送事業者(関自貨第1714号)
第二種 貨物利用運送事業者(国総国物第107号)
一般社団法人 国際フレイトフォワーダーズ協会(JIFFA)正会員